Glen Brunke

Backpacking on the Florida Trail in the Osceola NF.


Thank you for stopping by! I have a few technical projects and reflections below as well as some little personal adventures below that.

The blog is mostly for me, just a way to sharpen my own thinking by writing and capturing a few experiences to remember.

Here's a good place to start: Random Notes and Thoughts

If you're looking to connect, hit the contact link just above this box. Just drop me a line, I'd be happy to hear from you.

- Glen

Techy Stuff

See all tech posts.
Historical iOS Game: Sumerians
I'm working on a historically accurate iOS game based on ancient Sumer. As I dive into my...
My First iOS Game: Major Update For Four Letter Words
I created and launched my first iOS game, now I have lessons and results to share.
My First iOS Game: Four Letter Words
I am creating my own iOS game. Want to follow along? I'm updating my progress monthly in...
Game Development: The Video Game Industry Is Broken
The video game industry, despite its massive revenue that surpasses both the movie and...
Fun AI Website Integration: AI Fortune Teller
Technological advancements continue to reshape the digital landscape, integrating...
Website Design: Journal Of The Day
Whether you're a business owner, blogger, or creative professional, implementing best...
How To Measure Sudoku Difficulty
Have you ever wondered how creators come up with the difficulty rating for your Sudoku...
Fun With Data: Fibonacci Trees
The Fibonacci sequence, a seemingly simple yet remarkably intriguing mathematical...

Little Adventures and Reflections

See all personal blog posts.
The Joy Of Avoiding Luxury
The secret most people miss: the essence of your life is the sum total of how and where...
Bite Now, Before Your Teeth Are Gone: Sartre's Warning to Perfectionists
The idea of reserving oneself for the perfect opportunity often leads to never truly...
How Talent Can Hinder Your Career Progression
I came across a quote from the very talented poet Sylvia Plath that was so haunting in...
Notes From Thailand
I am not going to even try and add yet another travel guide to the fray, but instead, I...
A Florida Keys Grouper That Was Nearly The End
No doubt the sounds and smell of the red grouper I had speared earlier had attracted the...
In The Haunting Grip Of The Ghost Bear
Suddenly, something had me. It was on my back, wrapped around my body. I couldn't move,...
White Mountains Hut Hiking in New Hampshire
She was in a lot of pain and wasn't sure she could continue the hike, with us only being...
Random Notes And Thoughts
This blog post serves as my digital hammock, housing a collection of random thoughts,...